SERS Lends Support to National Fuel Poverty Awareness Day 27th March 2014 SERS is supporting a national day to raise awareness of the plight of those struggling to affordably heat their homes. SERS is a proud member of NEA and supports much of its work in aiming to eradicate fuel poverty.Fuel Poverty Awareness Day takes place on 28 March and is run by charity National Energy Action with the support of SSE. Around 4.4 million households in the UK are estimated to be living in fuel poverty, unable to heat their homes to the level needed to stay warm and comfortable in their homes. “ Fuel poverty is a serious problem, affecting around 4.5 million households in the UK, but there is a range of actions that people can take to make their energy bills more affordable. This includes making your home more energy efficient and checking to see if you are eligible for any discounts on your electricity bills or financial assistance with heating or insulation improvements. We would urge anyone worried about meeting their energy costs to contact the independent Home Heat Helpline on 0800 33 66 99. Mike Roberts, Group Director, SERS “ Our charity knows all too well the horrifying reality of the current ‘heat or eat’ debate and we welcome the support of SERS to help tackle this problem in [insert area]. It is vital that anyone working with vulnerable and low-income householders is able to identify and assist those who may be in fuel poverty, and we have launched a new version of our popular Fuel Poverty Action Guide to support them through this process and ensure that help reaches those most in need. Maria Wardrobe, Director of External Affairs, NEA For further information on Fuel Poverty Awareness Day and to order copies of the Fuel Poverty Action Guide visit SERS Becomes Member of CoRE – the Centre of Refurbishment Excellence The BRE Report Launches